Banned & restricted items

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You may only sell items in your possession that you are legally entitled to sell. 

Banned Items

Below is a list of items that you are not allowed to sell on


·         CCTV footage

·         Copyright and other intellectual property rights

·         Courier tickets

·         Digital media

·         Event tickets

·         Fireworks

·         Flights

·         Frequent flyer points

·         Gang paraphernalia/memorabilia

·         Human bodies or body parts

·         Lottery and raffle tickets unless  prior permission from Usability Classifieds in writing  CONTACT US 

·         Magnetic and smart card readers

·         Menacing dogs

·         Offensive memorabilia and propaganda

·         Offensive weapons

·         Recreational drugs

·         Software that interfaces with website

·         Spray paint cans

·         Tobacco

·         Uniforms for US emergency services

·         VCDs

·         Veterinary medicines

Restricted Items
Below is a list of items that you can sell but are restricted to

·         Alcohol unless it is collectors, or an Antique  ( Usability Classifieds reserves its rights to remove)

·         Medical Devices

·         Movies and games

·         Protected American objects

Note: This list of banned and restricted items is not exhaustive, and is intended only as a guide. reserves the right to determine what items are or are not allowed to be listed on our site at any time.  

We may remove items that are not listed below if we decide that they are offensive, in breach of our terms and conditions, or are in any other way a risk that we're not prepared to take.  

This list is subject to change without notice.

At all times if you choose to advertise with usability Classifieds you accept our terms and conditions

Adult items
Adult-rated items (magazines, DVDs, etc.) must be listed in the appropriate adult category.

Adult novelty and erotic clothing must be listed in the Novelty & adult category. we haven't put one up yet.  CONTACT US 

You may not use offensive or explicit language or descriptions. Photos, where permitted, should be of the item only.

Use of props or accessories is not permitted. will remove any image it deems offensive.


The sale of liquor to the public or any member of the public requires a license to sell Liquor.

Unless you hold the appropriate license to sell Liquor and you must be registered with otherwise, you may not list alcohol of any nature on the site.  

Bike helmets or Safety Helmets
You may only list any type of helmet unless it is certified to a standard approved by the USA Safety Standards Your helmet should have a sticker inside it stating which standard it complies with USA Safety Standards

Businesses for sale
All businesses that are listed on must be sold as a going concern.  

You cannot sell or promote new franchises or opportunities without Usability Classifieds' permission  in writing at

CCTV footage for sale
To ensure compliance with the Privacy Act, you may not list CCTV footage on

Child restraints
Child restraints must meet approved standards and be less than 10 years old. Child restraints certified for use in the USA will show a ‘Tick’  mark.  
Copyright and other intellectual property rights
You must not list any item which infringes anyone else's copyright or other intellectual property rights. As a seller, it is your 100% responsibility to ensure the items you list and the content of your listing are not in breach of any intellectual property rights 

Digital media
You may not list digital media (such as photos, software programs, audio files including music, or digital videos) on expressly allowed in the list below.  

You may only list genuine software installation keys (or similar) that have been legitimately acquired and that you have the right to sell.

Listing the following items are permitted:

E-Books - but only where the content of the eBook is entirely your own original work for which you are the sole copyright holder.  

You may not list others' work, or adaptations or collections of others' work, only if you have distribution or other rights to do so.  

Software programs - but only where the software being listed is stored on the original discs or where the software is Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) software listed together with a computer for which it is licensed.

Electrical items
All electrical items listed must be safe. Some items require a supplier declaration of compliance before they can be sold; other items considered higher risk also require safety approval or certification.&
All food listed on the site must be produced in registered premises or under an approved food safety program or registered risk management program.

It must also comply with food labeling and standards requirements.

Gang paraphernalia/memorabilia
You may not list gang-related paraphernalia or memorabilia on the site. reserves the right to determine                                                                                                                 

(in our sole discretion) what is considered to be gang-related?
Items subject to product safety standards
The following items must comply with all applicable product safety standards before you list them on the site:

·         Baby walkers

·         Children's nightwear

·         Children's toys

·         Cots

·         Pedal bicycles

To read more about product safety standards.   Click this link   

Lottery and raffle tickets
You may not list lottery or raffle tickets for sale. Unless prior permission is obtained from Usability Classifieds in writing

Medical Devices
If listing a medical device (excluding first aid kits) you must state in the listing "Consult a medical professional first and follow the instructions

." Medical devices include but aren't limited to insulin pumps, infusion pumps, enteral feeding devices, CPAP machines, ventilators and apnoea alarms.

Movies and Games
You may only list classifiable movies and games for sale if they carry the correct US classification sticker.

When listing such items, you must include the USA classification rating and all information on the classification label.

Needles and Syringes

Only approved professionals such as Pharmacists / Druggists may sell needles or syringes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unless you are approved under the regulations you may not list needles or syringes on the site.

Offensive memorabilia and propaganda
You may not list items that promote or glorify racial, sexual, religious or other intolerance, hatred or violence, or that promote organizations with such views.  

We reserve absolute discretion as to whether we permit or prohibit listings of this type.

Offensive weapons

You may not list weapons intended for attack purposes, including (without limitation):

Any weapon, the possession of which would constitute a criminal offense under current USA legislation. reserves the right to remove any listing that it deems to be for an offensive weapon.

Recreational drugs
You may not list recreational drugs (herbal or chemical) or related equipment on the site.                                                                

This includes such items as dance pills and NOS canisters and items used in the cultivation of cannabis, Designer drugs, etc.

Software that interfaces with the website
You may not list software that technically interfaces with the website.                                              

This includes but is not limited to things such as auto-relisters.

You may not list tobacco on Usability The advertisement and sale of tobacco-based products are banned.

Underwear or undergarments
Used or second-hand underwear may be sold on the site. However, it must be washed thoroughly.

Uniforms for US Emergency services
You may not list uniforms or accessories for USA 911 Emergency services. This includes police, fire, and ambulance uniforms. 

VCDs and CD’s
You may not list VCD or CD’s for sale on the site unless you own the rights or have express permission from the intellectual property owner in writing.

Veterinary medicines
You cannot list Prescription Animal Remedies (PAR) or veterinary-only medicines.

Wholesale lists
You may not list wholesale lists or place listings that are used to solely promote the purchase of items through other channels.

If you are unsure of whether or not you are allowed to list an item please  Contact Us.


•          Email Us your question We aim to respond within 12 hours usually much earlier 

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